Hypnotherapy for Anxiety in Tavistock

Anxiety is a feeling of restlessness. It can range from occasional periods of apprehension about specific events, e.g., public speaking, driving test, exam, to constant worriedness about anything and everything. In extreme cases, anxiety can result in full-blown panic attacks, which affect your quality of life.

Solution-focused hypnotherapy is a modern combination of hypnosis and psychotherapy. During the session, we avoid problem-talk and encourage you to visualize your desired future. By expressing yourself positively, we can help to reduce your anxiety.

How Can Anxiety Hypnotherapy Help?

Here at Butterfly Blue Hypnotherapy, I proudly provide fully licensed and insured Hypnotherapy sessions to help my clients develop a mindful skill set, and a peaceful mind.

As a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist (DSFH) and Psychotherapist, my sessions are always informed by my years of experience and qualifications. By using a modern combination of hypnosis and psychotherapy, I am able to provide the utmost care and attention to each and every client I work with, and am dedicated to providing my bespoke services to those who need them in Tavistock and its surrounding areas.

Many clients who attend Butterfly Blue Hypnotherapy struggle with general anxiety and anxious thoughts, which can adversely affect your wellbeing and day-to-day activities. Anxiety often manifests during periods of apprehension, for example, public speaking, exams and financial worries. Periods of anxiety can appear sporadically, although for some, their anxiety resonates as a constant sense of worriedness and general apprehension, often with seemingly little reason.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is an excellent way to help manage and control your anxiety, and during our sessions, we avoid discussing negatively and instead encourage you to visualise your desired future using mindful thinking and positive expression. 

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For more information on how Hypnotherapy can help you, get in touch for your free quote today.

Call: 07809292524 Email: [email protected]

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